August, 1984 Foreign Exchange Student (RYUGAKUSEI) Contingent
at Nagasaki Wesleyan University
(kudos to JH for providing the scanned pics!)
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Tour & intros at Isahaya City Hall (pictured l-r) SG, Yours truly, MG, NB, JS, JH, PH, JA (not present: MC) with city officials & NWJC staff at city hall - Mayor Noda (center) rice harvest in OMURA roomie relaxing during tour of Shimabara castle
2 dollar festival Nagasaki (front campus) at the gym burning calories in between studies The Barber, our friendly neighbor, over for a visit at Christmas
with S.G. on a Japanese Harley in front of our place one of many farewell parties


NWU (formerly NWJC)

Chasing the Sun
(a story written by JH based on his and our experience at NWJC - Well done!)

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